Opening Remarks

Presented at BSidesSF 2022 Rescheduled, June 5, 2022, 10 a.m. (10 minutes)

No description available.


  • Reed Loden - Teleport
    Reed Loden is the Vice President of Security at Teleport, a technology company that helps organizations securely access their infrastructure. He is an information security expert, researcher, hacker, and developer. Reed bring over 15+ years of security experience to his role at Teleport where he is charged with protecting the company’s products and services. Prior to joining Teleport, Reed worked to secure companies including HackerOne, Lookout Mobile Security, Palantir Technologies, and Mozilla, in addition to his many security consulting roles. He regularly presents on security best practices and enjoys contributing to and securing open source projects. He is the President and Lead Organizer for Security BSides San Francisco. Reed studied Computer Science at Mississippi State University.


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