Offensive Javascript Techniques for Red Teamers (Or Anyone Really)

Presented at BSidesSF 2021 Virtual, March 9, 2021, noon (40 minutes)

Streaming at [\_T8vAv9kg]( Join us at [r/BSidesSF]( on Reddit for live AMA style Q&A (2019 / 2021) AppSec is often very heavily focused on pre-exploitation. Frameworks like BeEF break this norm a little and can be used as tools to move laterally from the browser, to implant malware on adjacent machines. Unfortunately, performing network reconnaissance with JavaScript becomes tricky if the victim doesn't keep the tab open for long. This presentation will discuss relatively new techniques and features of JavaScript that have made it easier for sophisticated threat actors to craft JavaScript payloads that target internal network vulnerabilities, as fast as a person can think to close a tab. We'll also show new reconnaissance techniques traditionally used by red teams, post-malware implant, that can be used to get a foothold onto a network from a browser, pre-malware implant. We'll also show some real examples of this, crafting external payloads that target internal assets at large companies, and we'll show how responsible disclosure for intranet facing bugs typically gets resolved.


  • Christian Frichot / xntrik as Christian Frichot
    Christian 'xntrik' Frichot (he/him) is an application security nerd who spends his free time trying to avoid computers. Currently working for HashiCorp, Christian used to contribute a lot to BeEF, and has helped put together words for The Browser Hacker's Handbook. He's also been fortunate enough to present at wonderful events such as Kiwicon, DEFCON, CactusCon, OWASP APAC, Blackhat Arsenal & BSidesSF
  • Dylan Ayrey
    Dylan is a security researcher who's open sourced a number of tools such as Trufflehog, and has spoken at a number of conferences including Defcon/Blackhat


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