Anti-Privacy Anti-Patterns

Presented at BSidesSF 2019, March 4, 2019, 11 a.m. (30 minutes).

In this talk, we will examine key research findings and technological innovations in the past 20 years that have led to the accepted practice of collecting all of the data. We show a difference between tangible (e.g. PII) and non-tangible data and show how seemingly harmless data can still be used to derive behavior (with examples!). We also examine how privacy perspective can change depending on your role or background and propose a perspective shift if we are to try to maintain digital privacy today.


  • Sarah Harvey - Square Inc
    Sarah is an engineer on a privacy engineering team at Square. Her background includes almost 4 years of industry experience in security/privacy infrastructure design and engineering, and 4 years of academic privacy research. She has a variety of speaking experience; highlights including organizing and presenting a 300+ person CTF workshop at Grace Hopper, and a series of entertaining lightning talks on infrastructure security and privacy challenges. She also has given talks as a hologram. She can be followed for cats and tech madness at @worldwise001.


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