Advanced Internet dataset combinations for #ThreatHunting & Attack Prediction

Presented at BSidesSF 2017, Feb. 12, 2017, 3:30 p.m. (30 minutes).

Have you ever had to look up an IP address, domain name, or URL to decide if it is a threat, and if it is targeting you?, Do you ever need to analyze what what malicious action it just took on your potentially-compromised users? If yes - this session is for you!  It's time to move beyond simple Whois & PDNS lookups, and noisy threat feeds. Learn how to combine SSL cert facet data with tracking IDs like Google Analytics, ad-trackers, performance management trackers; host-pair relationships; technology stack fingerprints; detect, verify, and stop your adversaries' next attacks.


  • Arian J Evans - VP Product Strategy - RiskIQ
    Arian Evans is an 18-year #infosec veteran. As VP of Product Strategy Arian guides RIskIQ technology to enable enterprises to manage their attack surface & detect external threats. Prior to RiskIQ Arian spent 8 years at WhiteHat Security as VP of Ops & Product Strategy, building WhiteHat's Threat Research Center and service delivery testing over 40,000 applications. Career work includes Appsec Lead for FishNet Security; IPO @USCentral; engineering at financial services organizations; frequent speaker at industry conferences including BlackHat, Derbycon, OWASP, & RSA; dropping 0days in widely-deployed products from Cisco, Microsoft, Nokia, etc. & #DFIR for global organizations & TLAs.
  • Steve Ginty


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