Access Control in 2016 - deep dive

Presented at BSidesSF 2016, Feb. 29, 2016, 2 p.m. (55 minutes).

Access control is undoubtedly a critical security mechanism, which is often managed as part of Identity & Access Management (IAM). Unfortunately current access control implementations are often quite crude (e.g. limited to role-based access and account provisioning). This is in contrast to the increasing complexity of the access policies that should actually be implemented - for example, required to meet regulations.As a poor man's way out, organizations today resort to implementing basic access control mechanisms to meet compliance requirements (e.g. "least privilege") - but these mechanisms are often too coarse and static to be effective (e.g. "least privilege" is much more than privileged account management).In fact access control comprises many different, often not so well-understood approaches, which should be used by InfoSec professionals and developers to make access control more effective, and manageable while at the same time being technically implementable. Advanced access control approaches are often criticized for being unmanageable, unimplementable, or too costly. In this quite technical session you will learn: why access control policy implementation in 2016 is more complex than you may think, why traditional access control mechanisms are often insufficient, which new approaches are available, and are suitable for what IT/business environment.


  • Ulrich Lang - Founder & CEO - ObjectSecurity LLC   as Dr. Ulrich Lang
    Renowned access control expert with over 20 years in InfoSec (startup, large bank, academic, inventor, technical expert witness, conference program committee, proposal evaluator/reviewer etc.). Over 150 publications/presentations InfoSec book author. PhD on access control from Cambridge University (2003), a master's in InfoSec (Royal Holloway). Co-founder, co-inventor and CEO of ObjectSecurity (Gartner "Cool Vendor 2008"), an innovative InfoSec company that focuses on making security policies more manageable. He is on the Board of Directors of the Cloud Security Alliance (Silicon Valley). Ulrich is a frequent conference speaker. Ulrich is an entertaining presenter who is not shy to discuss controversial views.


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