Lies, Telephony, and Hacking History

Presented at BSidesLV 2023, Aug. 8, 2023, 11:30 a.m. (45 minutes)

Who's ready for some "Show & Telecom"? This talk takes attendees on a historic retrospective journey through time. Learn when Social Engineering first intersected with Technology, following previous advancements in Telecommunications. Our expedition highlights the technological origins of Phone Phreaking, Computer Hacking, Social Engineering, and how these activities relate to modern times. The speaker brought numerous hardware relics from the past to show the crowd throughout this presentation. Come learn about what the underground phone phreak and early computer hacker scenes were like before there was a Cybersecurity industry and associated career paths.


  • Matt Scheurer
    Matt Scheurer is a show host for the ThreatReel Podcast, and also works as an Assistant Vice President of Computer Security and Incident Response in a large enterprise environment. Matt has many years of hands-on technical experience, including Digital Forensics and Incident Response (DFIR). He volunteers as a "Hacking is NOT a Crime" Advocate and as a technical mentor for the Women's Security Alliance (WomSA). He has presented numerous Information Security topics at many technology meetup groups and prominent Information Security conferences. Matt is also a 2019 comSpark "Rising Tech Stars Award" winner and was named a "Top 12 Hacking Influencer" by Bishop Fox in 2023.


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