It's all about Talent

Presented at BSidesLV 2023, Aug. 9, 2023, 12:30 p.m. (Unknown duration)

Two truths and lie: Cybersecurity jobs are more resilient in an economic downturn. At any given time there are over 500,000 open jobs in cybersecurity. Making a career in cybersecurity is easy. This talk will cover the landscape of cybersecurity hiring with tips and tools for a successful job hunt and advancing your career. Cybersecurity is a broad industry with many avenues to pursue based on an individual's interests and curiosity. We'll cover best practices to interview and stand out from the competition along with preparation for how to advance career opportunities once you're hired.


  • Barry Maclaughlin SHRM-SCP
    Barry MacLaughlin has spent the past 20+ years in Recruiting, hiring talent focused in Technology and Professional Services, from the Big 4 to fast growth start-ups. For the past 6 years, Barry has exclusively been recruiting and leading global teams in Cybersecurity, hiring technology product, consulting services and sales professionals. He currently leads global recruiting for Bishop Fox, a leader in Offensive Security, serving 8 of the Top 10 Global Tech companies with over 16K projects completed in the past 3 years. Barry was a speaker at DEF CON 30 in a Livestream event and holds a Senior Certified Professional designation in the Society for Human Resources Management.


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