Home Labs for fun and !profit (Put your home lab on your resume!)

Presented at BSidesLV 2023, Aug. 9, 2023, 1:30 p.m. (Unknown duration)

Oh sure, you read all those posts about "My Home Lab" with all the pictures of 19" racks in a garage or basement. But seriously, how can you truly utilize your home lab, not just to learn, but to boost your career and help you get noticed as being that "Unique Individual" that a company really wants to hire! Come join this talk to learn about building a Home Lab on a budget AND using it to really get ahead. Your lab should be an advantage and a fun learning experience without breaking the bank. Let's build some systems, run some demos and see how to use all of this to NAIL that next job interview!!


  • Kat Fitzgerald
    Based in Chicago and a natural creature of winter, you can typically find me sipping Grand Mayan Extra Anejo whilst simultaneously defending my systems using OSS, magic spells and Dancing Flamingos. Honeypots & Refrigerators are a few of my favorite things! Fun Fact: I rescue Feral Pop Tarts and have the only Pop Tart Sanctuary in the Chicago area.


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