F*** Your ML Model

Presented at BSidesLV 2023, Aug. 8, 2023, 10:30 a.m. (45 minutes)

Yeah, Machine Learning is cool, but have you ever curled up with Logic Programming on a rainy day? Ever watched a baby AI Planner take its first steps? Ever ditched work early on a Friday and roadtripped to Vegas with an Optimization Solver? In this session we'll take a step back from all the machine learning gigahype and look at the wider world of AI. We'll explore how NASA drives robots on Mars, how video games create intelligent agents, and how Google interrogates its massive Knowledge Graph. In each case we'll see how the same AI methods can be adapted to tackle hard security problems, like tool orchestration and attack surface minimization, and we'll build out small-scale versions of these problems and show how to solve them using open source libraries.


  • Colt Blackmore
    Colt Blackmore is Co-Founder and CTO of Reach Security, where he builds technology at the intersection of AI, decision intelligence, and security automation. Before Reach he pioneered the use of machine learning for malware detection at Palo Alto Networks, led the Data Science team at Cylance, and created the algorithms that power People-Centric Security at Proofpoint.


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