Build Your Own Cat-Shaped USB Hacking Tool!

Presented at BSidesLV 2023, Aug. 9, 2023, 3 p.m. (Unknown duration)

Want to learn how hackers exploit computers in seconds? This beginner-friendly workshop walks you through assembling your own cat-shaped hacking console, which you'll use to try out fun hacking demos! You'll learn to solder, write your own USB attack scripts, and learn the techniques hackers use with your new cat companion!


  • Alex Lynd
    Alex Lynd is a hardware hacker & cybersecurity content creator who appears on shows like Hak5, where he creates educational hacking videos. He builds low-cost Signals Intelligence demos with microcontrollers, and enjoys building environmental sensing & sustainable tech. Alex also created the Nugget, a cat-shaped hardware console that makes it fun to learn hacking!


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