Professionalization - Possibilities and Potholes

Presented at BSidesLV 2019, Aug. 6, 2019, 9 a.m. (55 minutes).

The question of some form of professionalization has long been a topic of conversation (third rail?) in security. This workshop will introduce various different models of professionalization from professions outside of security, identifying each model's key features and limitations. It will also explain the relationship that the law creates among self-imposed ethical codes, licensing, and malpractice liability across various professions.


  • Andrea Matwyshyn
    Andrea Matwyshyn is a professor in the law school and engineering school at Penn State, the Associate Dean of Innovation at Penn State Law (University Park), and the founding director of the Penn State PILOT Lab (Policy Innovation Lab of Tomorrow), an interdisciplinary technology policy lab. In 2014, she served as the Senior Policy Advisor/ Academic in Residence at the U.S. Federal Trade Commission.