Hack Back! Malware Reverse Engineering and Command & Control Server Exploitation

Presented at BSidesLV 2019, Aug. 6, 2019, 8 a.m. (235 minutes)

Have you ever wanted to pop a C2 server and swim upstream into adversary red space? Threat Sims Hack Back Workshop is designed to guide students through the process of reversing a simple linux beaconing implant, decoding the communication protocol, fuzzing a command & control server and culminating in the crafting and throwing a remote exploit to pop a shell and swim upstream into adversary red space. Students will be guided through exercise with helpful code templates and resources. The workshop is geared to those of intermediate experience.


  • Bradley Landherr
    Bradley is a security researcher and developer who enjoys digging deep into specific problems. Bradley's main interests focus Unix and Network security. He sporadically blogs on his site https://blog.landhb.dev
  • Barrett Darnell
    @pwnEIP is a security researcher that spends his days training and developing red and blue teams. He specializes in teaching operational tradecraft, tool specialization and skill proficiency. When he is not training, he builds and competes in CTFs. He loves to operationally apply CTF experiences and also take real world scenarios and develop them into compelling CTFs