Presented at
BSidesLV 2019,
Aug. 7, 2019, 5 p.m.
(55 minutes).
This briefing quickly introduces the DoD Cyber Crime Center (DC3) and then gives into a discussion about what cyber threat intel is, the cyber kill chain (using movie gifs) and ends with a brief intro of some APTs. The talk is geared at an introductory level for people who don't specialize or would like to learn more about CTI and APTs.
John Stoner
Mr. Stoner has over 18 years of experience in the national security sector working a variety of roles, including most recently as a Cyber Threat Analyst, Cyber Counterintelligence Analyst and Instructor. His work experience includes IT, instruction and course design, cyber exercise and testing, intelligence collection, threat support, SIGINT (Signals Intelligence), and Cyber Operations. He holds A+, Net+, CEH, CHFI, CEI, CISD, CASP and CISSP certifications. He loves soccer and is an avid coach and fan. He is currently the Chief of Analytics, in DCISE at DC3.
Ronnie Obenhaus
Ronnie Obenhaus is a cybersecurity professional with over 20 years of experience in varying fields. He served with the United States Army and solidified his background in Network Defense and brings that background knowledge to the forefront of his job with the Defense Cyber Crime Center (DC3) as the Deputy Chief of Analytics. He loves movies and comic books. Do not ask him about the latter unless you are prepared for a lengthy conversation about the state of the industry today.
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