Data visualization in security: Still home of the WOPR?

Presented at BSidesLV 2017, July 26, 2017, 2 p.m. (25 minutes).

Visualization of security data has not advanced significantly since the days of the WOPR in War Games. Other tech industries have embraced the role of modern user interfaces to facilitate and expedite data search, analysis and discovery, which has significantly helped users in those industries gain insights from a big data environment. In contrast, the security industry prefers to relegate everyone into command line prompts and clunky interfaces with minimal functionality and an inability to scale to the volume, velocity, and variety of security data. I'll address the core challenges and impact of the industry's failure to take data visualization and user experience seriously, and provide recommendations on key areas that would most benefit from modern data visualization. Through the use of attack timelines, I'll demonstrate how we, as an industry, must move beyond familiar visualization conventions (that tend to break at scale) and provide functional data visualization that is usable for analysts and operators across all levels of expertise.


  • Matthew Park - UX Lead - Endgame
    Matthew Park is the UX Lead at Endgame. He directs the company in implementing thoughtful and practical workflows, visualizations, and experiences into our platform. Matt and his team translate user requirements into intuitively functional interfaces. Matthew's prior background comes from UX (User experience) within big data analytics, and before that working as a visual and technical artist in video games.


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