Password Alert by Google

Presented at BSidesLV 2015, Aug. 5, 2015, 5 p.m. (25 minutes)

Password Alert is a free, open-source Chrome extension that protects your Google and Google Apps for Work Accounts. Once you've installed it, Password Alert will show you a warning if you type your Google password into a site that isn't a Google sign-in page. This protects you from phishing attacks, and also encourages you to use different passwords for different sites a security best practice.


  • Drew Hintz - Security Engineer - Google
    Drew is an Information Security Engineer, Staff Software Engineer at Google. He's the creator of Google Password Alert. His main focus is protecting Google and its users from targeted threats. His team has helped discover and kill 30+ 0day exploits being used in the wild by attackers, including code execution in Microsoft Office and universal XSS in Adobe Flash.


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