NSA Playset: Bridging the Airgap without Radios

Presented at BSidesLV 2015, Aug. 4, 2015, 3 p.m. (55 minutes)

This talk introduces a new entrant into the NSA Playset: BLINKERCOUGH.  BLINKERCOUGH is a C&C and data-exfiltration implant embedded in a seemingly innocuous cable.  It uses optical means to jump the air-gap, having zero radio footprint.  BLINKERCOUGH can be used in radio monitored or radio-denied settings.


  • Michael Leibowitz / @r00tkillah as J.R. Hacker
    Michael (@r00tkillah) has done hard-time in real-time. An old-school computer engineer by education, he spends his days championing product security for a large semiconductor company. Previously, he developed and tested embedded hardware and software, dicked around with strap-on boot roms, mobile apps, office suites, and written some secure software. On nights and weekends he hacks on electronics, writes BSides CFPs, and contributes to the NSA Playset.


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