Leading in a "Do"-ocracy

Presented at BSidesLV 2015, Aug. 4, 2015, noon (25 minutes)

What is a "do"-ocracy, and what does it take to lead one? While some people stand back and gawk at problems, others jump in to do something about what they see. Explore some common traits of do-ocracies, why they inspire others, and how leaders emerge. Learn from the successes and the failures of our panelists, and hopefully spark ideas within yourself that you can bring to a do-ocracy of your choosing or making.


  • Tod Beardsley
    Tod Beardsley is the Principle Security Research Manager at Rapid7. He has over twenty years of hands-on security knowledge, reaching back to the halcyon days of 2400 baud textfile BBSes and in-band telephony switching. Since then, he has held IT Ops and IT Security positions in large footprint organizations such as 3Com, Dell, and Westinghouse. Today, he is passionate (some might say militant) about open source software development, open source security research, and reasonable vulnerability disclosure.
  • Beau Woods
  • Chris Nickerson - IDS Administrator - DNC
    Born on an off-shore drilling platform, autonomous country, know as Sealand, he didn't hold a recognized citizenship until 23yo. Convicted of selling black market ASCII porn he was sentenced to 10 years of binary data entry, carpal tunnel became his reality. Which sparked a career change and a return to school to become a proctologist although he really had a foot fetish. An avid apiarist, he insists on only using locally-sourced, organic clover honey in all of his honeypots.


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