A hackers guide to using the YubiKey - how to add inexpensive 2-factor authentication to your next project.

Presented at BSidesLV 2015, Aug. 5, 2015, 10 a.m. (55 minutes).

The YubiKey is a small, relatively inexpensive, USB hardware crypto token that can be used for 2-factor authentication and to generate One Time Passwords. The infrastructure to support it is all open source, and the OTP validation code can be made very lightweight and embeddable. My purpose in proposing this talk is to make the hacking community aware of it in an effort to lower the barrier for using One Time Passwords, and to help foster open source 2 factor authentication.


  • Russ Gritzo
    Russ started out with computers by soldering together a Z-80 circuit board on his mom's kitchen table in the late 1970's. He still has that computer, as well as a VAX. He even has a few useful computers. After a 25 year sidetrack through gamma ray spectrometry and other things nuclear, he returned to computer hacking a few years ago. He is currently working as a penetration tester supporting a Department of the US Government. When not sitting in front of a computer he is most often found sitting in the front seat of his vintage airplane.


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