What We Do In The Shadows: "Going Dark" With Consumer Electronics

Presented at BSidesDC 2019, Oct. 27, 2019, 2:30 p.m. (50 minutes)

Every day we give more and more of ourselves to big companies like Google, Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Samsung and many others.  Every day more and more IoT devices enter our homes with cameras and microphones.  And every day it is made easier for us to spy on one another with under the guise of “parental controls.”  Can any of us reclaim our privacy? Yes, but it will not be handed back; it is something that we have to take.  Use Tor, Use Signal is no longer enough and by implementing some of these tools and techniques in your daily life; you too can take back your privacy.


  • Tim Kusajtys - CEO at Blackbear Infosec
    Information Security and Privacy researcher Timothy Kusajtys is the CEO and cofounder of Black Bear InfoSec, an information security consulting company based out of Pittsburgh, PA.  While Tim has years of experience in incident response, red teaming and threat hunting, his true passion is putting on his tin foil hat and helping people defend their privacy.  In his spare time, he enjoys amateur radio and data hoarding projects.


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