JARVIS for Code? Meaningful AI Research for Software Reverse Engineering

Presented at BSidesDC 2019, Oct. 26, 2019, 10:30 a.m. (50 minutes)

There have been many attempts to apply AI methods to software, but reverse engineering remains a highly laborious process. It's 2019 and there's Watson for medicine, but why don't we have JARVIS for code? Manual software reverse engineering remains foundational to both defensive and offensive cyber. We'll dive into the software reverse engineering process and talk about which problems are solved, which problems haven't been tackled yet, and give a roadmap for future AI research towards automated reverse engineering.


  • evm - Software Reverse Engineer at JHU/APL   as evm <none>
    evm has been staring at code for over a decade. A recovering Windows internals guy, he now spends most of his time in embedded systems. At APL he helped start an RE working group, and a hacker magazine. His goal is to teach others about reverse engineering and make it more accessible to everyone.


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