Dead Box...Not Dead Body

Presented at BSidesDC 2019, Oct. 25, 2019, 8 a.m. (240 minutes)

Want to learn more about digital forensics? Curious about tools like Volatility, Autopsy, FTK Imager, and Wireshark just to name a few? In this workshop we will conduct an investigation, examining artifacts from a "case" and putting the pieces together to figure out the how, what, why, and who. There will also be flags to discover in the evidence for additional fun!


  • Dina Haines
    see joint bio
  • Marcelle Lee
    Dina and Marcelle are security practitioners as well as educators. Both have experience in government and private sector and have taught digital forensics for several years in a variety of arenas. Collectively they have multiple degrees and around twenty industry certs and both are passionate advocates of diversity in cybersecurity. They enjoy building out engaging course materials over a glass of chardonnay.


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