Palo Alto Networks – Advanced Endpoint Protection Ultimate Test Drive (CLASS)

Presented at BSidesDC 2017, Oct. 8, 2017, 8 a.m. (420 minutes)

Interested in taking a Palo Alto Networks next generation cybersecurity solution for a test drive? Engineers from Palo Alto Networks will demonstrate the features of the Next-Generation Firewall, provide an in-depth demonstration of the Autofocus Threat Intelligence service, and conduct a hands-on workshop on Traps Advanced Endpoint malware and exploit prevention software. A laptop computer with Internet access is required. Join us and learn how to: • Defeat the adversary at the endpoint with an effortless approach to managing attacks • Break down the sophisticated threat lifecycle • Prevent successful execution of advanced attacks originating from executables, data files or network-based exploits • Take on the roles of the targeted individual, attacker and security professional • Understand the chain-like nature of exploits • Experience the power of advanced execution control and cloud intelligence


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