Adventures in Reversing Video Game Savefiles

Presented at BSidesDC 2017, Oct. 8, 2017, 2:30 p.m. (50 minutes)

This talk will take the audience on an adventure through the lands of the Nintendo 3DS. We will be talking all things savefile-related including what they look like, why they look like they do, how to fiddle with them, and how to get them to look how we want. Topics will include a bit of history, the process of setting up our environment - things to do, things to avoid, things that are weird, poking and prodding around - figuring out how the file is structured, debugging - hopping on board with our old pal gdb, and finally, building something that can hopefully make the entire twiddling process a little bit easier.


  • Billy McLaughlin - Associate Security Analyst at Independent Security Evaluators
    Billy McLaughlin is an Associate Security Analyst for Independent Security Evaluators where he is challenged with assessing security implementations for Fortune 500 companies including DRM and cryptographic systems, and secure configurations/development for mobile and web applications. Today he has also taken on some part-time internal development responsibilities. Mr. McLaughlin holds a dual B.S. in Computer Science and Computer Security and is hoping to one day finally finish his M.S., both at East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania. Security started as a hobby in college, and, thankfully, ended up becoming a profession.


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