I got a shell... now where's the Power

Presented at BSidesDC 2016, Oct. 22, 2016, 9 a.m. (480 minutes)

Intro to Powershell by dissection. In this class we will download a tool/script and use it as a basis for learning Powershell by dissecting every component of the script and teaching how to get there from the most basic commands like get-help. Although geared towards beginners, intermediate Powershell users are can learn about the tool/script and practice ways to improve it. While the tool/script we will be using is Red team in nature, we will also explore how with only minor modifications, the tool could be useful for a Blue team.


  • Raymond Gabler - Owner at RGS Specialists   as Raymond gabler
    Raymond (@securemaryland) Owner of a local MD Small business RGS Specialists providing security services to clients with a focus on small to midsize businesses. He has been an active member of the security arena for the last 20+ years (yes he really is that old) and has personally been focusing on mentoring more junior "cyber warriors" (hate the term but it fit).
  • Octavio Paguaga - Owner at OakTree Security
    Octavio Paguaga (@oaktree_) pentester, network security instructor, Archsight admin, and network engineer. While his interests started in securing wide/local area networks (WAN/LAN) his work has taken him away from Cisco products and towards more of a Microsoft (server/clients). He is an active member of Novahackers and works with RVASec building their CTF. Outside of security he enjoys outdoor hobbies away from a terminal prompt.


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