Small Office/Home Office (SOHO) Router Hacking Contest

Presented at BSidesDC 2014, Oct. 18, 2014, 10 a.m. (480 minutes)

ISE researchers have discovered critical security vulnerabilities in numerous small office/home office (SOHO) routers and wire-less access points. We define a critical security vulnerability in a router as one that allows a remote attacker to take full control of the router's configuration settings, or one that allows a local attacker to bypass authentication and take control. This control allows an attacker to intercept and modify network traffic as it enters and leaves the network2. • All 13 routers evaluated can be taken over from the local network o 4 of these attacks require no active management session. • 11 of 13 routers evaluated can be taken over from the WAN o 2 of these attacks require no active management session. ISE will be holding a no-holds-barred router hacking competition. There will be three (3) tracks that focus on exploiting vulnera-bilities4. Track 0 is a pre-con contest. Contestants will need to demonstrate previously unidentified vulnerabilities in off-the-shelf consumer wireless routers. Contestants must provide relevant exploit information to the judges and provide proof of responsible disclosure. Track 1 is a capture the flag style contest where contestants will be pitted against 10 off-the-shelf SOHO routers, hardened, but with known vulnerabilities. Contestants must identify weaknesses and exploit the routers to gain control. Pop as many as you can to win. Track 2 is a surprise contest that will take place at random times throughout the conference. A router will be selected at random and contestants will be given a specific objective. The first team to hit the objective wins.


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