B-Sides DC Oktoberfest

Presented at BSidesDC 2014, Oct. 18, 2014, 7 p.m. (180 minutes).

We'll be heading over to the [Iron Horse Taproom](http://www.ironhorsedc.com/) to celebrate our second BSidesDC as the Oktoberfest of B-Sides. The crew at the Iron Horse were great last year, and although they will likely be a bit busy with a Washington Capitals event, have promised to help us out as well. They also have a great selection of craft beer from the area and beyond! B-Sides DC attendees will have at least a drink ticket (or two) to "have a round on us", depending on where our budget is after we pay the bills. After that, you're on your own (but don't forget we have great stuff on the agenda for Sunday, too!).


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