AWS Hands-On Intro

Presented at SAINTCON 2019, Oct. 23, 2019, 8 a.m. (240 minutes).

**Training is limited to 40 people. Training is first come first serve!!!** Join us for a highly interactive AWS workshop. Set up an organization and create a highly-available network in a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) along with subnets and EC2 servers. Establish access rules and gateways, and expand your network to take advantage of serverless services such as database and storage. Leverage elasticity features to scale the infrastructure up and down, and automatically fail-over as we deliberately overload and kill parts of it. Learn about cost management and create billing alerts to limit unexpected charges. To comply with security requirements, we'll enable various AWS preventative and detective controls. This workshop is recommended for those with no prior AWS experience. A familiarity with basic network concepts is highly recommended. Please complete this short prerequisite list before attending: **Training is limited to 40 people. Training is first come first serve!!!**


  • Aelon Porat
    Aelon Porat is an information security manager at Cision and a content provider at He has extensive experience attacking and defending corporate environments. Aelon likes to jump inside networks and out of planes, and in his spare time, he enjoys demoing, speaking, and providing training at different events and conferences.


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