Everywhere you look today you see “risk-based security” being touted as the next big thing. Knowing your assets, understanding the threats and vulnerabilities that may impact those assets, and calculating a risk score in order to prioritize mitigation actions, should be every organization’s goal. Risk-based security is not accomplished by performing a risk assessment exercise once a year. It requires a continuous assessment of your organization’s risk posture. Too many businesses think that completing a risk assessment is a difficult and complicated process that requires expensive software and can only be done by third party consultants. As a result, risk assessments are not conducted or conducted once and stored away to show the auditors. Risk assessments are essential in order to assure that the expenditures involved in mitigating vulnerabilities and the implementation of security controls are commensurate with the risks facing the organization. Attend this interactive session to explore the definitions, methodologies, structure and the expected results of a proper risk assessment that can be produced by your organization.