Wardriving from your pocket: Using Wireshark to Reverse Engineer Broadcom WiFi chipsets

Presented at REcon 2013, June 23, 2013, 11 a.m. (60 minutes)

Until now WiFi pwnage wasn’t possible on most Android phones due to lack of support in the WiFi chipset. This is surprising, due to the fact that most android devices have a bcm43xx WiFi chipset. This talk will present our research on the bcm43xx chipsets and the custom tools we’ve developed, enabling the use of mobile phones as a platform for common WiFi pwnage tools.


  • Omri Ildis
    Omri turned to hacking at an early age. He first used his social engineering skills to earn extra candy when he was 6. Since then he’s lowered his profile and now focuses mainly on fully digital hacks. He recently co­founded FringeMechanics, a company that specializes in security research projects.
  • Ruby Feinstein
    Ruby is a private researcher working on various phone hardware projects for a living, reverse engineering any piece of hardware for the fun of it. Other than reversing, Ruby likes to invent terms in Hebrew and, in fact, he invented the Hebrew word for pwnage ­ le­fa­sten.


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