Teridian SoC Exploitation: Exploration of harvard architecture smart grid systems

Presented at REcon 2013, June 23, 2013, 10 a.m. (60 minutes)

The Teridian 8051 based chips are found in a variety of places in daily life, from the smart energy grid to smart cards and pin-pads. While the most prominent placement in the US is currently the metrology and power measurement side of a smart meters, the 8051 core is ubiquitous in embedded devices. They are additionally found in power distribution automation (the backend power shoveling inside your utility) and home automation (monitoring energy usage and changing configuration of appliances and similar in the home).


  • Nathan Keltner / Natron as Nathan "Natron" Keltner
  • Josh Thomas / m0nk as Josh "m0nk" Thomas
    Security researcher, mobile phone geek, mesh networking evangelist and general breaker of things electronic. Typical projects of interest span the hardware / software barrier and rarely have a UI. m0nk has spent the last year or two digging deep into Android and iOS internals, with a major focus on both the network stack implementation and the driver and below hardware interfaces. He uses IDA more frequently than Eclipse (and a soldering iron more that both). His life dreams are to ride a robot unicorn on a moonlit beach and make the world a better place, but mostly the unicorn thing... Josh is currently employed by the nice people @ Accuvant LABS and the very mean people @ MonkWorks, LLC.


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