Presented at
REcon 2013,
June 21, 2013, 11 a.m.
(60 minutes).
In hardware security analysis, success and failure are predetermined by one's tools.
Coping with overwhelming streams of data can be near impossible in software alone.
Implementing accurate timing can also prove to be challenging without a custom logic implementation.
The solution to many of these issues is offloading much of the work to purpose-built dedicated logic.
In this talk we introduce Die Datenkrake (DDK) a low-cost open source hardware project for hardware reverse engineering that implements the best of both worlds.
Dmitry Nedospasov
Dmitry Nedospasov is a PhD student and researcher in the field of IC security at the Security in Telecommunications (SECT) research group at the Berlin University of Technology (TU Berlin) and the Telekom Innovation Laboratories. Dmitry's research interests include hardware and IC reverse-engineering as well
as physical attacks against ICs and embedded systems. His academic research focuses on developing new and novel techniques for semi and fully-invasive IC
analysis. Most recently, Dmitry was involved in identifying vulnerabilities in the most wide-spread Phyiscally Unclonable Function (PUF) schemes.
Thorsten Schröder
Thorsten Schröder has been active as a technical consultant in the field of
applied IT-Security for many years. His areas of expertise lie in the
verification of software in either source or binary form. More recently,
Thorsten's research has resulted in several open source hardware projects, most
notably the "Keykeriki", an RF-analysis tool for sniffing and attacking 2.4GHz
based radio devices such as wireless keyboards. Thorsten has also been involved
in several software reverse-engineering projects such as the CCC's analysis of
the German Federal Trojan known as "0zapftis". Thorsten is the co-founder of the
Swiss modzero AG, established in 2011, as well as the German branch, modzero
GmbH, established in January 2013.
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