Jerboa: A Modular Synthesizer made from ATtiny85 $1 microcontrollers

Presented at PhreakNIC 23 (2019), Nov. 8, 2019, 8:45 p.m. (45 minutes)

I wanted to learn about Modular Synthesizers, so I built one with a dozen $1 microcontrollers and a handful of resistors, capacitors, LEDS, and potentiometers. It lives on a breadboard and is fun to build "patches" to make analog synthesizer sounds. All open source.


  • Henry Strickland - Operator at W6REK
    I got degrees in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at GaTech. I work as programmer, mostly in C++, but have been really involved in Ham Radio lately, which lets me do more hardware stuff. I've made homegrown computers with 1802, 6809, and 68000s, back in the day. I'm working on a 6809 emulator for Radio Shack Color Computers and NitrOS9 operating system. And I've attended at least half the PhreakNICs starting with PN3.


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