Zero Trust Security: A hype-free, buzzword-free introduction grounded in reality. Also, Sous Vide cooking.

Presented at PancakesCon 3 (2022) Virtual, Jan. 16, 2022, 6 p.m. (45 minutes)

Part 1: In just the last two years, Zero Trust has moved to the forefront of information security, and become a major shift in the way that enterprise security architectures are designed, deployed, and measured. It’s also become a marketing buzzword, overused and abused to the point where industry professionals may doubt its value. This presentation will provide some history and context around Zero Trust, and explain the substance behind the hype. The reality is that when approached properly, Zero Trust represents a transformation of security principles, technology, and processes, with a unified policy model and set of enforcement points across a heterogeneous technology landscape. That is, Zero Trust focuses security efforts, is holistic and integrated by design, and eliminates silos and weaker technologies. However, because Zero Trust is a set of security principles rather than an architecture, each enterprise must define their own pathway along a sometimes-perilous Zero Trust journey. Zero Trust can be complex and challenging – this is because our enterprises are complex, and Zero Trust is essentially modeling them from technology, access, and process perspectives. And yet, Zero Trust is a demonstrably better way to approach information security, delivering better outcomes for both security and the business, so there is an increasing imperative to adopt it. After this presentation, attendees will • Understand the core principles of Zero Trust security, and why it’s important to adopt them now • Be able to see where a Zero Trust security approach can provide security and operational benefits to their enterprises • Understand the ways in which their organization can quickly begin a Zero Trust journey, integrating with and enhancing their existing IT and Security infrastructure • Be able to begin researching and learning more about Zero Trust from credible and platform-neutral sources Part 2: Sous Vide Cooking: Food Safety I love cooking for my family, especially using the sous vide cooking method – it’s super-precise, but also very forgiving. And, it’s easy to get started inexpensively. In this session, we’ll briefly introduce the sous vide cooking method, then dive into a discussion of time and temperature – as it affects both cooking and elimination of dangerous bacteria. After this presentation, attendees will • Understand the sous vide method of cooking • Be able to navigate the time and temperature chart for food safety • Be ready to try sous vide cooking themselves



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