Where we’re going we don’t need secret keys, or store bought vanilla

Presented at PancakesCon 3 (2022) Virtual, Jan. 16, 2022, 3 p.m. (45 minutes)

In the past, if you wanted service to service authentication it meant storing and rotating secret keys or passwords. If you run workloads in cloud providers such as GCP, AWS, or Azure you can shed (almost) all the burden of managing service identity and authentication. Instead of storing and rotating special keys, rely on short lived tokens instead! Learn how cloud service providers have built their platforms so that you never have to worry about keys or passwords ever again.

Have you ever thought to yourself, “what if instead of paying $30 for a 16oz bottle of vanilla extract from Costco, I could pay more and have to wait weeks or months before I can use it?” Then you’ll love learning about making your own vanilla extract! Through different combinations of liquor and vanilla bean pods you can craft your own vanilla extract to bring a special flavor to the things you make.


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