Using ZAP to the MAX/Adding Tai Chi to Your Fitness Routine

Presented at PancakesCon 3 (2022) Virtual, Jan. 16, 2022, 11:15 a.m. (45 minutes)

When testing web applications, most resources point you to Portswigger’s excellent Burp Suite as a testing proxy. But did you know there’s a powerful free and open source alternative that’s more than capable of finding and validating vulnerabilities in web apps? In Part 1 of this talk, we’ll review how to get ZAProxy set up for success, and some of the best tips and tricks for how to use it to maximum effect.

In Part 2, a spiritual sequel to my talk from PancakesCon 1, I gently introduce some Taijiquan (Yang style) basics, including the principles of movement, foundational postures, and an easy 8-step form that can be practiced in small spaces. As a long-time teacher and practitioner of Taijiquan, I’m passionate about spreading knowledge about this martial tradition.



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