Security Champions and Urban Gardening

Presented at PancakesCon 3 (2022) Virtual, Jan. 16, 2022, 3 p.m. (45 minutes)

With security teams being vastly outnumbered many organizations have responded to this challenge with different program scaling methods, including building security champions programs. Which leads us to questions; How does a security champions program work? How do you select your champions? And once you have them, what do you DO with them? This session will teach you; • How to attract the right people to your program • What and how to train them • How to engage them, and turn them into security advocates • What do delegate and what NOT to delegate • What to communicate, how often and to who • How to motivate them • How to build an AMAZING security champion program This talk will ALSO teach you have to make a basic urban garden. You live in an apartment and only have a balcony? NO PROBLEM. You have a super-tiny lawn? NO PROBLEM. Let’s grow some food!



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