Vulnerability Analysis: Intro To Vulnerability Scanning And Trauma Therapy

Presented at PancakesCon 2 (2021) Virtual, March 21, 2021, 5:15 p.m. (45 minutes)

Vulnerability scanning is an automated process wherein a set of assets (potentially to be discovered by the same process) is mapped against a database of known vulnerabilities to produce a (hopefully prioritized) list of problems we might want to fix. We will look at common techniques, tools, typical outputs, limitations, and what else makes a good vuln management program. Trauma is a soul’s reaction to distressing events overwhelming the person’s ability to integrate the emotions involved that *can* have long-term negative effects. Different psychological schools of thought have different concepts of what happens in a trauma and therefore different ideas what might help cope. We will have a look at the Gestalt therapy model of trauma and growth.



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