(Separate registration required) Cryptography for the Modern Developer (day 1 of 1)

Presented at AppSec USA 2014, Sept. 16, 2014, 8 a.m. (540 minutes).

This training course is separate from the AppSec USA general conference. Visit http://appsecusa.org/training/ for information about training registration.


  • Timothy Morgan
    Tim is credited with the discovery and responsible disclosure of several security vulnerabilities in commercial off-the-shelf and open source software including: IBM Tivoli Access Manager, Real Networks Real Player, Sun Java Runtime Environment, Google Chrome Web Browser, OpenOffice, and Oracle WebLogic Application Server. Tim develops and maintains several open source forensics tools as well as Bletchley, an application cryptanalysis tool kit. Tim presented a training course on application cryptanalysis at AppSecUSA 2012. He regularly gives technical talks on a variety of security topics to local special interest groups and at private training sessions.


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