2 Day Pre-Conference Training: Web Application Defender's Cookbook: LIVE

Presented at AppSec USA 2013, Nov. 19, 2013, 9 a.m. (480 minutes).

2 Day Class running Monday Nov 18 and Tuesday Nov 19 Can you answer these questions? • Are your web applications secure? • Do you know how to lock down new web applications when they are placed into production? • Do you know if/when attackers are trying to break into your site and steal data or cause other harm? • Do you know if/when attackers are attacking other web application users? If you can not confidently answer yes to all of these questions then this is the class for you!  This 2-day bootcamp is based on the popular book "Web Application Defender's Cookbook: Battling Hackers and Protecting Users" written by the class trainer Ryan Barnett.  Copies of the book will be provided to all participants and will be used as the basis for the courseware material.  The class is tailored for web application defenders (operational security personnel) who are charged with protecting live web applications.  The training will provide answers to these questions and increase your ability to identify and thwart malicious activities within your web applications. You will learn the following skills: • Implement full HTTP auditing for incident response • Utilize virtual patching processes to remediate identified vulnerabiities • Deploy web tripwires (honeytraps) to identify malicious users • Detect when users are acting abnormally • Analyze uploaded files and web content for malware • Recognize when web applications leak sensitive user or technical data • Respond to attacks with varying levels of force Tools: Each student will need to bring their own laptop with VMware installed.  For hands-on lab exercises, we will utilize the OWASP Broken Web Applications VM project as it already has many vulnerable target web applications.  OWASPBWA also includes the cross-platform (Apache, IIS and Nginx), open source ModSecurity Web Application Firewall (WAF) and OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set (CRS) which is the tool that we will be using for our labs exercises to implement our defenses.


  • Ryan Barnett - Lead Security Researcher - Trustwave SpiderLabs
    Ryan C. Barnett is renowned in the web application security industry for his unique expertise. After a decade of experience defending government and commercial websites, Ryan joined Trustwave SpiderLabs Research Team. He specializes in application defense research and leads the open source ModSecurity web application firewall project. In addition to his commercial work at Trustwave, Ryan is also an active contributor to many community-based security projects. He serves as the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) ModSecurity Core Rule Set project leader and contributor on the OWASP Top Ten and AppSensor projects. He is a Web Application Security Consortium Board Member and leads the Web Hacking Incident Database and the Distributed Web Honeypot projects. At the SANS Institute, he is a certified instructor and contributor on the Top 20 Vulnerabilities and CWE/SANS Top 25 Most Dangerous Programming Errors projects. Ryan is regularly consulted by news outlets who are seeking his insights and analysis on emerging web application attacks, trends and defensive techniques. Ryan is a frequent speaker and trainer at key industry events including Blackhat, SANS AppSec Summit and OWASP AppSecUSA. Ryan has authored two web security books with titles such as: "Preventing Web Attacks with Apache" from Pearson Publishing and the forthcoming "Web Application Defender's Cookbook: Battling Hackers and Protecting Users" from Wiley Brothers Publishing.


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