Improvised LockPicking tools

Presented at Nuit du Hack 2016, July 2, 2016, 6 p.m. (45 minutes)

Let's imagine you get kidnapped in a foreign country by an hostile criminal group. Your only way out is to open your handcuffs, get back your passport, escape the room and leave with your aggressor car.

This talk will help you to build the necessary tools from scrap material available anywhere to get you out of those unwanted situations.


  • Alexandre TRIFFAULT
    Security trainer for locksmiths, computer scientists and the military for 8 years, Alexandre is continuously developing tools and techniques to circumvent physical security devices.
  • Till LENZE
    Tactical locksmith and security trainer for the military, Till develops downgraded mode techniques to open locks in harsh situations such as kidnappings, aggressions, weaponized attacks...
