Interactive Storytelling Using Artemis SBS

Presented at Notacon 9 (2012), April 13, 2012, 1 p.m. (360 minutes)

This workshop will use the Cleveland-produced computer game Artemis Spaceship Bridge Simulator as a medium to create and publish an interactive adventure. Artemis can be a rich medium to tell an interactive story reminiscent of an episode of Star Trek. Six players each take on the role of a different starship bridge officer (helm, weapons, communications, science, engineering, or captain) and work together to defeat enemies, rescue allies, contact new life forms, or face any other challenge the mission script offers. Workshop participants will play Artemis to learn its game mechanics, get lessons in XML, then develop a story, create sound effects, record voice dialog, and create the 3-D models needed to bring our interactive story to life. At session end we will publish the script to the Internet and starship crews around the world will begin experiencing our adventure.


  • Mike Substelny
    Mike is a full-time faculty member at Lorain County Community College teaching Engineering Technology and Computer Game Programming. His energy and dynamic presentation style have made his cable television classes in computer game programming a hit with students. He has published numerous mission scripts and has nearly completed his first science fiction novel. Mike has an MS degree in Industrial Engineering with additional Master's work in Computer Science and Fiction Writing from Cleveland State University.


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