The Free Software Studio: Open-Source Tools for Musical Exploration and Composition

Presented at Notacon 8 (2011), April 15, 2011, 8 p.m. (60 minutes).

Are you curious about making music on your computer, but not sure where to start? Have you already started to explore the world of computer music, but you're curious about expanding your suite of creative tools? Do you want to do all of this without breaking the bank? No matter whether you run Linux, Windows, or Mac OS X, there is a full range of free and open source musical composition tools available to help you explore and expand your musical ideas. This talk is your guided tour of the kinds of software available, specific programs and frameworks to try out, and how to get it all working together to make beautiful music, for whatever your definition of beautiful.


  • Nicolle Neulist / rogueclown as Nicolle "rogueclown" Neulist
    nicolle neulist, otherwise known as rogueclown, has been interested in music her entire life, and has been playing with computers in various capacities since she was three. She has been singing since she was a child…and has made many attempts at playing instruments, although her lack of finger dexterity made that a rather difficult (and ultimately cacophonous) proposition. However, a few years ago, she finally discovered the power of computers as a musical composition platform, and since then, they have been her primary instrument for exploring and realizing her musical ideas.


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