David Sieg has managed to coax useful computer animation from some of the slowest computers in
the world. The oldest of them, a machine called Scanimate was built entirely of analog circuitry!
For almost a decade, if you saw computer animation on television, it probably was generated by one
of the eight Scanimates that were ever built. Sieg owns and maintains the only surviving Scanimate.
Interestingly enough, Scanimate can easily do things that can't be duplicated by today's digital
technology.Sieg produced "The Dream Machine", a documentary about Scanimate, its history, the people and companies who used it, including many of the famous animations it produced.
He raises questions about how quickly we trash our older technology, and what we lose along the way.
And he makes the case for preserving and maintaining the few remaining machines that can playback
obsolete media formats before we lose our past forever.More info at scanimate.com.