Creating Music Digitally. Part 2.

Presented at Notacon 2 (2005), April 8, 2005, 7 p.m. (60 minutes).

Modern computer hardware and software have advanced the capabilities of audio production in countless ways, enabling users to produce powerful and professional quality music without a large budget.  Computo will discuss the basic concepts behind music synthesis, as well as in-depth analysis of industry-standard software, including but not limited to Propellerheads Reason 3.0, Cycling 74's Max/MSP/Jitter, and Ableton's Live. The discussion will cover topics such as envelope shaping, non-destructive audio waveform editing, sampling techniques, signal flow and modular synthesis, among many others.  There will also be a question/answer period.


  • Joe Caputo aka "Computo" -   as Joe Caputo aka Computo
    Joseph Caputo has performed with some of the greats in the music world, including Wynton Marsalis and Kenwood Dennard. Along with some of his groups, Joseph has toured throughout the US, Mexico and Europe. A graduate of Berklee College of Music, Joseph performs solo as Computo and with The Sons of Liberty.  He is also an avid software designer, multimedia artist, electronic music instrument disassembler, and sound de-constructor.


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