Presented at
Notacon 10 (2013),
April 19, 2013, 5 p.m.
(60 minutes).
It's been fifty-some years since the laser was invented. They are now so common, most of us use them several times a day, but how do they work and what are some of the things we accomplish with them? We'll go over a little of the physics of "stimulated emission" and explore ways we use lasers for entertainment, science, manufacturing, communications, and even surveillance. CAUTION: Do Not Look Into Laser With Remaining Eye.
Ethan Dicks
Ethan Dicks is a long-time Columbus IT professional with a background in embedded and systems development as well as UNIX/Linux System Administration. Ethan teaches 3D Printing, Electronics, Arduino, and Raspberry Pi classes at The Columbus Idea Foundry. He's also the founder of a monthly 3D printing meetup, the Central Ohio RepRap and Makerbot Operators' User Group.
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