AR_GRAF.OBJ: a darknet for the nuEra ??

Presented at Notacon 10 (2013), April 20, 2013, 1 p.m. (60 minutes).

Using augmented reality, artists/taggers can advance their work by expanding their material limitations beyond bricks and spray paint to 3d objects and mobile technologies. In this way, the AR graffiti artist is a member of a new subcultural peer-to-peer network with a potential reach of across the globe through simply uploading and geo-tagging new work. In this presentation, Holloway, Carey, and Peterson discuss the recent histories / evolutions / challenges / and forecasts of the digital graffiti movement accompanied by an interactive installation of AR works to be displayed throughout the duration of the conference.


  • kevin carey
    shawne holloway, brian peterson, and kevin carey live/run/art/walk/luv dirtynewmeda lifestyles; believing in radical openness_critical thinking_counter/hip-hop/cyber/queer/goth/punk/alt/geek -culture aesthetics_experimentation + critical scholarship:: we dirtynewmedia artists are "interested in exploring the ways in which technological systems && equipment can be realigned, modified and played with critically."
  • shawne michaelain holloway
    shawne holloway, brian peterson, and kevin carey live/run/art/walk/luv dirtynewmeda lifestyles; believing in radical openness_critical thinking_counter/hip-hop/cyber/queer/goth/punk/alt/geek -culture aesthetics_experimentation + critical scholarship:: we dirtynewmedia artists are "interested in exploring the ways in which technological systems && equipment can be realigned, modified and played with critically."
  • brian peterson
    shawne holloway, brian peterson, and kevin carey live/run/art/walk/luv dirtynewmeda lifestyles; believing in radical openness_critical thinking_counter/hip-hop/cyber/queer/goth/punk/alt/geek -culture aesthetics_experimentation + critical scholarship:: we dirtynewmedia artists are "interested in exploring the ways in which technological systems && equipment can be realigned, modified and played with critically."


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