
Presented at NolaCon 2022, May 21, 2022, 10 a.m. (Unknown duration)

<p>Marina Ciavatta</p> <p>Tropical Spy! Tricks and stories of a Brazilian Social Engineer</p> <p>Social Engineering may change according to one&#39;s country, being shaped by their particular situations, but one thing is eternal: Breaking and entering is way easier than it sounds - and also a lot less terrifying than you think. If you are a Social Engineer from Brazil, as Marina is, you may find yourself into extremely unexpected situations during a physical pentest, and because of that, you have to be able to think on your feet and combine strategy with creativity. In this talk, Marina will walk you through a few of her Social Engineering and Physical Pentest episodes, teaching about her tricks and sharing helpful stories to those who want to learn more about attacking targets and protecting themselves from harm as well. </p>


  • Marina Ciavatta
    <p>Marina is a friendly little girl from Brazil who breaks and enters for a living. A Social Engineer specialized in physical pentesting, she has stolen, spied and sabotaged some of the largest companies in her country - and global companies as well. All legal and ethical, of course, as a physical pentest should be. She has worked with the hacking and security communities for almost 10 years, as an events organizer, community manager and content creator, understanding how to better communicate and navigate the culture and needs of hackers, no matter what hat color they consider themselves to have. Marina is now CEO of her own company, Hekate Inc, providing cyber security awareness campaigns, and connecting tech and security companies with people from all backgrounds. You may have already met her in conferences around the globe as a speaker, attendee or enjoying a Dual Core from the backstage.</p>


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