Presented at
NolaCon 2018,
May 18, 2018, 5 p.m.
(Unknown duration).
Knock knock, it’s fear. Splunk’s blowing up and Blue Team’s at your rear. Prompting for authentication triggered user speculation. Now your simulation of hackers from a nation doesn’t meet your exceptions. Better privilege escalations would avoid this situation. Let go of your frustrations, and remember persistence takes patience.
ttendees can expect to walk away with novel techniques leveraged by modern Red Teams to stealthily maintain persistence, elevate privileges, and perpetuate lateral movement within modern enterprises largely comprised of macOS endpoints.
Josh Schwartz / FuzzyNop
as FuzzyNop
Forged in the fire of yoloscoped Red Team operations, these space-wolves learned the hard way. The dark abyss of the modern environment left the old ways obsolete. Suddenly, OSX shells forced them into a new frontier demanding new tools, new tactics, and new blackhat mac hacks. They braved the darkest of alcoves to peel back the shroud surrounding the arcane art of OSXploitation. Cataclysmic corporate fracturing can’t stop the signal and it surely doesn’t break up a full blooded dolphin squad. While heavily obscured, their message is clear. All entrances need a key to open. That key is given ... 🔑
Twitter: @fuzzynop
Forged in the fire of yoloscoped Red Team operations, these space-wolves learned the hard way. The dark abyss of the modern environment left the old ways obsolete. Suddenly, OSX shells forced them into a new frontier demanding new tools, new tactics, and new blackhat mac hacks. They braved the darkest of alcoves to peel back the shroud surrounding the arcane art of OSXploitation. Cataclysmic corporate fracturing can’t stop the signal and it surely doesn’t break up a full blooded dolphin squad. While heavily obscured, their message is clear. All entrances need a key to open. That key is given ... 🔑
Twitter: @noncetonic