Tor-Pi-Do NOW with Bloomin' Onion

Presented at NolaCon 2017, May 20, 2017, 4 p.m. (Unknown duration)

Tor-Pi-Do is a Linux distro that brings together a specific set of tools to allow for secure Tor use on the Raspberry Pi 3. Due to the standard Tor Browser bundle’s inability to support the ARMHF architecture. Included in the distro is Mozilla Firefox setup as a Tor browser with custom privacy settings to harden it and privacy add-ons which allow for extra layers of security. Bloomin' Onion is a Red Team inspired leave-behind device (based on RPi3) that opens your targets network up like an Onion blossom. Deploy a rogue hotspot remotely and tunnel traffic back to your TOR client (Tor-Pi-Do!) perform MitM through Burp proxy. Do remote ARP spoofing, collect Windows authentication information, packet capture and more.​


  • Jimi Allee as Jim Allee
    Jimi2x has 20 years of experience in InfoSec (Red Teaming/Security Research) and also involved in the video game industry in the 80s where much hacking took place including fuzzing, bug discovery and finding hidden codes to many popular games. Jimi2x works for OWL Cybersecurity where he spends his time as a Darknet Researcher. Twitter: @jimi2x303
  • Justin Whitehead / Buckaroo as Justin Whitehead
    H0m3l3ss (Justin Whitehead) has 8 years of experience in InfoSec (Forensics, Incident Response, and Red Teaming). H0m3l3ss has always been a lover of gadget, from how they work, to now building his own. H0m3l3ss works for OWL CyberSecurity where he is the Red Team Lead. Twitter: @H0m3l3ssHacker


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