Contactless Access Control

Presented at Kiwicon X: The Truth is In Here (2016), Nov. 18, 2016, 5:15 p.m. (15 minutes).

Have you ever forgotten your swipe card? Locked yourself out of your secure facility or don't know anybody on the inside? Don't worry, we've got your back. With our patent pending contactless cyber door-access control system, we'll have you back inside in no time. Does it involve high voltages? Yes. Will you require a license to broadcast? Maybe. Would Marconi be pleased? No.


  • Ryan
    Jeremy and Ryan are embedded engineers who like to look way too hard at silly things. Occasionally they find hilariously broken things that they like to share.
  • Jeremy
    Jeremy and Ryan are embedded engineers who like to look way too hard at silly things. Occasionally they find hilariously broken things that they like to share.


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